Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges 2024/2025

Council has adopted the following fees and charges for 2024/2025.  All fees and charges are reviewed annually and advertised for public comment prior to adoption for the ensuing financial year.

Water Charges
(Per Kilolitre)
Non Potable Water$3.17
Temporary Access Standpipe$5.90
Automatic Filling Station$8.70
Standpipe Sales$10.00
Bulk Water Charges
Cowra Shire$2.38
Bulk Water Charges
Other Councils$2.38
Availability Charges
(Per Annum)
Fire Service (Restricted to fire use only)$292.00
Unconnected Built upon Properties$146.00
Meter Test Fees20mm and 25mm (other sizez POA)$115.00
Reconnection FeesNon-payment (less than 3 months)$220.00
Non-payment (after 3 months)$410.00
Other Reconnection$410.00
Other FeesAttend to Disconnect$130.00
Special Reading Fee$100.00
Developer ChargesPer equivalent tenement (ET). Block sizes
exceeding 2000m2 will incur an additional
charge in excess of 1 ET. Seek quote on
Capital Contribution Charges - Lake Rowlands*Per Equivalent tenement. Block sizes exceeding
2000m2 are greater than 1 ET. Seek quote on
Developer Charge - Quandialla *Quandialla Scheme Supply Area - per ET. Block sizes exceeding 2000m2 are greater than 1 ET.$3,590.00
Service Connection - 20mm only4 metres (footpath)$1,740.00
10 metres (dirt/gravel)$1,907.00
10 metres (bitumen)$2,939.00
20 metres (dirt/gravel)$2,562.00
20 metres (bitumen)$4,159.00
20 metres (bitumen & concrete footpath)$4,695.00
Rural connection$2,735.00
Mains ExtensionsPOA
Connections 25mm, 32mm & above POA
Private WorksLabour rate per hour (during working hours)
(Overtime rates apply outside working hours)
Utility hire rate per kilometre$1.35
Excavator hire rate per hour$170.00
Pressure/Flow Testing$270.00
Contract Plant HireAt cost
Administrative FeesSection 603 Certificate (per property)$100.00
Dishonoured cheque$50.00
Dishonoured Direct Debit$50.00
Photocopying B&W (A4) per copy$0.60
Photocopying Colour (A4) per copy$1.20
Photocopying B&W (A3) per copy$1.00
Photocopying Colour (A3) per copy$2.00
Copy of Accounts - Per account for above 1 account. (Single account only - no charge)$4.00
Search Fees - per hour$80.00
Processing Fee - Account refund request - more than 1 annually - per request$50.00
Interest rate for overdue accounts 10.5%
Debt Collection Costs on overdue accounts -
including early and late stage interevention and
service fees
Actual Cost
Government Information Public Access (GIPA Act)Formal Application$30.00
Processing Charge (per hour)$30.00
Internal Review Processing Fee$40.00
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30 Church Street BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Postal Address: PO BOX 61, BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Ph: (02) 6391 7200
email: water@ctw.nsw.gov.au



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