If you have just received your water account and feel the water usage charge is too high, there are a few things that you can check.
Ensure that we have read your meter correctly
To do this you will need to read the black numbers on your meter and compare this to the meter reading on your water account. If the number is in sequence, the reading is correct. If the number on your meter is less than the number stated on your water account, your meter has been read incorrectly. Contact us and we will make the necessary adjustment.
Carry out a leak check
If you suspect that you may have a leak, we suggest that you inspect your properties internal plumbing and fixtures.
How to check for leaks
Take a look around your property to check for leaks. Make sure:
There is no damp or extra green patches on the lawn
There is no damp patches on walls where pipes are installed
Taps and other appliances such as hot water systems are not dripping
The toilet cistern isn’t leaking. Put some food colouring in the cistern. Don’t flush. Return an hour later and if the colour is in the toilet bowl the cistern is leaking
Your swimming pool isn’t leaking
Tree roots have not invaded pipes
Pipes and joints aren’t rusty or damaged
Using your water meter to check for leaks
Reading your water meter is a great way to check for leaks within the pipe work on your property. Simply follow these steps:
>>> Take a meter reading after the last person has gone to the toilet or brushed their teeth at night.
>>> Take a second reading before anyone uses water in the morning
If no one has used any water overnight and the reading has changed, then you know there is a leak. Contact a licensed plumber to repair the leak.
I have found a leak, what now?
If you have found a leak, repairs are the property owner’s responsibility and you should contact a licensed plumber immediately. Any water which passes through the meter (including water lost through leaks) will be charged to the property owner.
Central Tablelands Water’s Policy regarding water leakage
Central Tablelands Water has a policy of not accepting responsibility for claims resulting from the loss of water after the meter and has a further policy of not providing any reduction due to water leakage.
It is vital that your water usage is regularly monitored to prevent any high usage caused by leaks, resulting in higher water usage charges which are payable by the property owner.
Please print a change of address form, and return to Central Tablelands Water. All future correspondence will be sent to the address specified on this form once it has been submitted and processed.
Please Note:
Water Accounts, in accordance with the law, are issued in the name of the property owner(s). If you direct Council to send Water Accounts to a third party (including tenants or managing agents), please be aware that you (the property owner) will always remain legally liable for the payment of these accounts (regardless of any lease agreements or other agreements you may have with this party).
Council has a legal relationship only with property owners in regards to Water Accounts and therefore in most circumstances will be unable to discuss account details (including the granting of payment extensions) with tenants or lessees.
Property owners are also liable for any penalty charges associated with overdue accounts including interest charges, reminder notice fees or water supply restriction fees.
If Water Accounts are not paid by due dates the water supply may be restricted for non-payment and a fee (currently $140.00) will be added and payable with any other outstanding account charges before normal water supply will be reinstated.
Pensioners are entitled to a rebate of up to $87.50 each year on their water account.
This will appear as a deduction of $21.88 on each account.
To be eligible you must be the owner and reside in the property.
To apply for a pensioner rebate you must complete an application form, available here, or from Council's administration office.
A copy of your pensioner concession card must be provided along with your application.
Property owners will receive all water accounts and are responsible for their payment.
A number of landlords have lease agreements that stipulate that the tenant is responsible for the water usage or consumptions charge. The billing of tenants is the owner or agents responsibility.
Central Tablelands Water will not be involved in any arrangement to collect money from tenants.
Click here to read the Department of Fair Trading's fact sheet for landlords regarding water usage charges
Central Tablelands Water recognises that some of our customers may be unable to pay their water account, due to financial circumstances, which could include:
An unexpected reduction in income
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact Central Tablelands Water immediately. By notifying us early, you will have access to a greater range of payment alternatives.
The following is a list of options available to help with your water account. Please contact Central Tablelands Water to discuss a solution.
Payment extensions can be granted for periods past the due date, depending on individual circumstances.
Contact us to find out more
As a Central Tablelands Water customer, it is your responsibility to allow access to your water meter so we can record your water use. We rely on accurate and timely meter readings to make sure you are billed correctly for the water you use.
Your meter may be inaccessible because of a locked gate, a dog, an overgrown garden or construction work.
What Happens if We Can't Get Access?
If we cannot gain access to your water meter to obtain a water reading, we may have to estimate your usage.
If access to the meter cannot be gained on an ongoing basis, additional fees and charges may be applied to your account.

30 Church Street BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Postal Address: PO BOX 61, BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Ph: (02) 6391 7200
email: water@ctw.nsw.gov.au

© 2019 Central Tablelands Water | Website by Ready Marketing