WBC Alliance

Central Tablelands Water is a proud member of the WBC Alliance.
The Councils of Wellington, Blayney and Cabonne originally formed the Strategic Alliance in 2003 as an alternative model for local government reform. In 2005 Central Tablelands Water joined the Alliance.
The Alliance is a voluntary cooperative arrangement between the member councils for the purpose of sharing resources and identifying efficiencies.

Central Tablelands Water is a member of Centroc, which represents over 236,000 people covering an area of more than 70,000sq kms comprising the Local Government areas of Bathurst, Blayney,Boorowa, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Harden, Lachlan, Lithgow, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Upper Lachlan, Weddin, Wellington, Young and Central Tablelands Water.
Centroc exists to advocate and improve operational efficiencies for its members.

The Australian Water Association is Australia’s leading membership association for water professionals and organisations.
AWA is independent and not for profit. It plays an essential role in supporting the Australian water sector in the delivery of effective and sustainable water management practices. It's mission is to foster knowledge, understanding and advancement in sustainable water management – its science, practice and policy – through advocacy, collaboration and professional development

We are a proud member of Smart Approved Water Mark who provide a range of educational, interactive water saving resources designed to help encourage customers and communities to change their behaviour with regard to water efficiency.

The Water Services Association of Australia focus on influencing national and state policies on the provision of urban water services and sustainable water resource management, environmentally sustainable development and management of water resources as well as improving industry performance and establishing benchmarks and fostering the exchange of information on water management.

30 Church Street BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Postal Address: PO BOX 61, BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Ph: (02) 6391 7200

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