Council Profile

Central Tablelands Water County Council is a constituency of three local government areas, namely, Blayney Shire, Cabonne Shire and Weddin Shire. The Council comprises two delegates each elected by their constituent council for a four-year term.

Councillors of Central Tablelands Water

Blayney Shire Council

Craig Gosewisch - Deputy Chairperson
Cr Craig Gosewisch - Deputy Chairperson
Cr John Newstead
Cr John Newstead

Cabonne Shire Council

Cr Marlene Nash
Cr Marlene Nash
Cr Andrew Rawson
Cr Andrew Rawson - Chairperson

Weddin Shire Council

Cr Paul Best
Cr Paul Best
Cr Jan Parlett
Cr Jan Parlett

Council Mission & Vision


Central Tablelands Water will develop a commercial focus as it operates in partnership with the communities it serves, fostering their development and growth, while maintaining both its level of service and its prices at an acceptable level.


Our Vision:

An independent regional water authority providing a quality water supply – reliably and sustainably.


Our Values:

  • Customers
  • Independence, sustainability, efficiency and innovation
  • Skilled and capable workforce in delivering an essential service
  • Role as a regional collaborative partner and leader

Council Meetings

Meetings of Council are held on the second Wednesday of alternate months, commencing in February each year.  The meetings alternate between the towns of Blayney, Grenfell and Canowindra.

CTW logo

30 Church Street BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Postal Address: PO BOX 61, BLAYNEY NSW 2799
Ph: (02) 6391 7200



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