Update – Water discolouration Blayney Township
CTW would like to thank our customers for continuing to contact us directly regarding current discoloured water issues still being experienced in the township of Blayney.
CTW advises its Blayney residents that our network operation is fast tracking its town flushing program as a result of the increase in discolourisation of water observed this morning throughout our network.
Residents are advised that the increased flow and resulting turbulence of moving water through the water supply network during this flushing period may impact our residents as the affected water travels past their properties.
To reduce the effects of flushing, CTW recommends minimising the usage of water during the day if possible. Further details relating to the flushing of individual areas and streets in the township of Blayney will be made available this afternoon.
CTW apologises for any inconvenience to consumers in Blayney, and advises customers that the water continues to meet the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
Once again, CTW would to thank its’ Blayney consumers for their patience whilst this issue is being rectified.
If any consumer has any concerns please contact our Administration Office on 63917200.